Thursday, July 21, 2011

Breakfast Smoothies - the perfect fuel

I recently took up running again after about a year-long hiatus.  I got a stress fracture in my foot from trail running last spring, and although it still bothers me from time to time, I've decided that it can no longer be an excuse for me to avoid the gym.  I'm feeling excellent about my progress, especially since I have the opportunity during the summer to really devote mental time and energy toward improving my fitness.

Although I'm eating completely allergen-free, I found that the exercise was NOT helping my digestive tract.  My boyfriend suggested that I start drinking breakfast smoothies, and it has been an absolute revelation!  Greek yogurt and skim milk for protein (a lot of store-bought smoothies or shake powders are loaded with allergens and harmful additives...steer clear of those if you can), fresh summer fruit for healthy carbs, oatmeal for fiber, and local honey to help with my seasonal allergies.  I have never felt so good!

I have always been reluctant to become a smoothie drinker because they can be very high in calories and sugar.  Jamba Juice regularly comes up on "Eat this, not that!" as having some of the worst drinks in America.  However, when you're putting smoothies together yourself and you know what's going in them, it can be delicious, healthy, and waistline-conscious.


1/2  6 oz. cup Fage 0% Greek Yogurt
1/4  cup skim milk
3/4 - 1 1/2 cups fresh fruit - Just eyeball this.  I often use frozen berries because they aid in the texture of the smoothie, but I also add in fresh bananas, nectarines, peaches, and plums.  Use whatever you have and like.
1-2  tsp local honey
1/3  cup whole oats/uncooked oatmeal

My blender is a pain in the ass, so I add the ingredients one or two at a time to ensure even blending.  If you have the same problem, add the liquidy ingredients and non-frozen fruit first...add the frozen fruit and oats last.  The texture is a bit lumpy I'll admit, but the flavor is divine and I seriously am astounded at how I feel throughout the day.  I skipped a couple days here and there in lieu of toast or just a yogurt, and there is a major difference in my energy level.  AND when I eat my morning smoothie, I stay full until after my afternoon workout, meaning I'm not going to the gym with a belly full of lunch or snacks.  It's not bad at all in calories, contrary to popular belief...all those ingredients add up to between 200 and 300 calories depending upon what fruit you add. Oh, and if you're vegan, you can substitute any alternate yogurts/milks (rice, almond, soy, coconut) OR use peanut butter instead for protein.  It's simple, delicious, and an efficient way to start your day :)

Try it out...hope it gives you the same outstanding results!

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