Monday, May 10, 2010

The day my creativity paid off

So this weekend, my girlfriend and I headed over to our friends' house to meet their new puppy, Harmony (isn't she cute?!?). We decided to make dinner for them in celebration, and we seriously brought it. This was the menu:

Both regular allergen-laden AND delicious GF pizza (recipe courtesy of my goddess, Cybele Pascal)
homemade strawberry margaritas (when I say homemade, I mean homemade vegan cane sugar simple syrup, hand-squeezed organic lemons and limes, 1800 Tequila, triple sec, and blended organic strawberries)
strawberry rhubarb cobbler crumble - a recipe I made myself! Huzzah!

Okay, so I can't share the GF pizza recipe entirely without prolly getting shut down due to copyright stuff, but seriously, just go buy some cookbooks (again, I recommend The Allergen-Free Baker's Handbook). The internet, while somewhat helpful, seriously let me down almost every time I tried to find GF/AF recipes. But for the pizza, I made the dough from scratch and let it rise. I use a pizza stone to make my own's a smart investment. It makes the crust nice and crispy :) I topped it with fried yellow peppers and onions, tomato, and a delicious homemade pizza sauce.

1 large can organic crushed tomatoes
1/2 a medium onion
2 tbsp minced red bell pepper
2 cloves garlic
a few dashes of both red wine and red wine vinegar
enough olive oil to cover the bottom of a small sauce pan
salt and pepper to taste
a few dashes of red pepper flakes if you like heat
if you have fresh herbs, throw some rosemary or basil in at the end

Heat the oil, add the onions then the garlic. Try not to burn them, but no biggie if you do. Then add the bell pepper and let it get tender. Then add the red wine, red wine vinegar, salt, red pepper flakes, and black pepper. Let them cook for a while, basically till the smell makes your mouth water, and then add the crushed tomato. Let it simmer and cook down for 20-ish minutes on low heat. Only add fresh herbs at the end of cooking, as they can get bitter if they get over cooked.

I used this sauce (I didn't make it this particular time...the girlfriend did, but she did a bangin' job) both on my pizza AND to dip my crust in. It was delicious.

Okay, wanna know how to make these margaritas???
The girlfriend says that she uses Bobby Flay's recipe, and it is this:
2 parts tequila
1 part orange liqueur (grand marnier, cointreau, triple sec, etc)
1 part simple syrup
1 part citrus juice

1 1/2 cups 1800 tequila
3/4 cup triple sec
3/4 cup homemade simple syrup (1 part water, 1 part vegan cane sugar)
3/4 cup lime and lemon juice (do NOT use pre-packaged or bottled's nasty. Put some elbow grease into it and hand squeeze ripe limes. We used a couple lemons cause we ran out of limes)

Strain the citrus juice before placing it in the blender, because if you got any seeds in there they'll make the juice taste bitter when blended. But put everything in the blender pitcher, including 1 pint of fresh strawberries (hulled). Once it's blended, you'll have a decision to make. You see, I don't mind pulp in my homemade margaritas, but my girlfriend does. After a large argument about the wasted alcohol and strawberry pulp resulting from straining the whole pitcher, I agreed to let her strain them with the condition that I could eat the pulp afterwards. There was seriously like a half a cup of alcoholic strawberry mush left in the strainer. I ate it with a spoon. She had to drive to our friends'. Either way, pulpy margaritas or not, don't let that pulp go to waste.


OMG you guys...this is my BIGGEST homemade AF win so far. I made this recipe up completely as I went along and it was unbelievably delicious. I made it for four people in cup-sized oven safe ramekins, and it was this perfectly sized little dessert. I'm sure you could adapt this recipe for a larger group of people and place it in a large pan, but you'll probably have to bake it for over twice as long.

preheat oven to 325 degrees
grease whatever pan(s) you'll be using with AF spectrum shortening

fruit interior:
1 cup chopped rhubarb
1 cup chopped strawberries
2 tbsp cane sugar
1/2 tsp corn starch
1 tsp agave syrup
juice of 1/2 lemon
dash of balsamic vinegar
a few shakes of cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, and a pinch of salt

crumble topping:
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup GF flour (again, I use Cybele Pascal's bread flour mix)
1/3 cup light brown sugar plus 1 tsp cane sugar
1/8 tsp xanthan gum
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
spectrum AF shortening...see below for how much (approx. 1/4 cup)

Okay, so combine your interior ingredients into a bowl and let them marinate for a while. Put all your topping ingredients into a separate bowl and mix them together EXCEPT the shortening. When everything is well combined, start adding shortening at about a tsp at a time. Incorporate it into the flour and oats as best you can. Keep adding shortening and mixing with your hands until you can squeeze the mixture and it will stick to itself. The trick is that it must be dry enough to crumble onto the top of your fruit but wet enough with shortening that it will brown and the sugar will crystallize. Just look for it to become like the topping on coffee cake, and you'll be good :)

Anyway, put the fruit mixture into your greased dish(es) and then crumble the topping over the fruit, making sure to have a good 1/2 inch to a whole inch of topping on top. Then throw those bad boys into the oven for 15-20 mins, or until the fruit bubbles around the sides of the dish. Then take em out of the oven, and don't forget to LET IT COOL, FOOL! Burned tongue = fewer tastebuds to enjoy the tangy deliciousness!

Okay, so that's all I've got recipe-wise for now. Hope you enjoy! These recipes are awesome for this springy-summery May time. Using fresh ingredients while they're locally available is totally the way to go :D

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